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Our Story

St. Peter's UCC: Where Faith Ignites Action in Louisville

A Renewed Legacy in the Heart of the Community

For over 177 years, St. Peter's United Church of Christ has been a cornerstone of Louisville's Russell neighborhood. Standing across from the revitalized Beecher Terrace, our commitment to the community remains as strong as ever.

Beyond Worship, Building a Brighter Future

Our mission extends far beyond spiritual guidance. We empower individuals by championing social justice and advocating for policies that uplift lives. Through education and awareness, we equip our congregation and neighbors to become powerful agents of change. Passionate Leaders, Open Arms Devoted clergy and lay leaders, united by their faith in God and Jesus Christ, guide St. Peter's with enthusiasm. We embody the inclusive spirit of the United Church of Christ, welcoming all who seek spiritual nourishment and a sense of belonging.

A Vibrant Tapestry of Faith

St. Peter's boasts a thriving congregation of approximately 130 adults, youth, and children from diverse backgrounds. Our Sunday services are filled with uplifting music, both traditional and contemporary, and inspiring sermons delivered by our dedicated pastoral team.

Extending Our Reach, Making a Real Difference

Our commitment transcends the church walls. We actively partner with local agencies like MOLO Village CDC, a vital grassroots social service organization born from the St. Peter's community. Additionally, we offer crucial programs like AA meetings, food distribution, and volunteer opportunities. We believe that addressing social needs strengthens our spiritual core.

A Place of Hope and Welcome

St. Peter's is a beacon of hope, justice, peace, and compassionate welcome. Regardless of your life's journey, you are invited to join our faith family. Here, you'll find acceptance, support, and the opportunity to make a positive impact alongside others.